OsecoElfab is ready for Brexit

OsecoElfab has taken steps to ensure the strongest possible outcome and maintain stability, no matter what changes Brexit might bring.

Monday, November 9, 2020

The decision made by the United Kingdom (UK) to leave the European Union (EU), or ‘Brexit’ as it has become known, means that OsecoElfab, with offices and a manufacturing facility in the UK, must prepare for the changes that this decision might bring.

There remains a possibility that on December 31, 2020 the UK would revert to trading with the EU on a WTO and third country basis. This would lead to trade between the UK and EU becoming subject to tariffs and new regulatory requirements.

OsecoElfab has been working to assess and mitigate the likely impacts of ‘Brexit’ on our customers and suppliers under a variety of potential outcomes. We pride ourselves on delivering excellent service to our customers and that ethos will continue irrespective of the ‘Brexit’ outcome.

In order to achieve this, we have strategies in place which will ensure the strongest possible outcome and maintain stability for our company as well as our customers as the transition away from EU membership takes place. We have reviewed our supply chain and have taken action to ensure there is minimal impact following ‘Brexit’, regardless of trading terms.

This includes:

  • Having a ‘Brexit ready’ trading model
  • Maintaining effective customer service and supply chain
  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks

We hope that a business-friendly ‘Brexit’ deal can be reached but we remain of the belief that our ability to do business with our customers and suppliers will not be materially affected. We will continue to keep our customers and suppliers informed, however please do get in touch if you have any queries or concerns either by emailing uksales@osecoelfab.com or calling your known contact at OsecoElfab.

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