Customized design and engineering support to ensure you have the right pressure relief device for your hydrogen plant, equipment and vehicles
Hydrogen is one of the most volatile chemical elements in existence. Production, processing, storage and transportation of hydrogen is closely regulated. Standards governing hydrogen safety include NFPA, OSHA, NREL, ISO, COMAH, PER, DSEAR and ATEX (including IECEX and UKEX).
Fittings such as vents, valves and rupture discs must conform to these standards. They must also withstand the specific conditions found in hydrogen applications: they must work at very low temperatures and in vacuum, they need to be resistant to embrittlement, prevent boil-off and be leak-tight (non-permeable).
OsecoElfab's rupture discs and explosion vents meet the required standards for hydrogen safety, and offer exceptional leak-tightness, with reliability and accuracy for peace of mind across your hydrogen equipment.
We know that many companies are just beginning to explore hydrogen as a path towards a climate-neutral future. You may not know exactly what role your equipment might play, or where or even if pressure relief might fit in - but that's where we can help! Our engineering teams are experienced in creating custom pressure relief solutions for new and highly specialized applications.
Contact us for a no-obligation discussion about your hydrogen plant or equipment conditions. If pressure relief is required, our pressure relief experts will work with you to find the best solution.
Industrial distillation is the most common form of separation technology used in chemical and petrochemical plants, refineries, natural gas processing, and cryogenic air separation plants. Rupture discs are commonly used as overpressure protection devices.
Small rupture disc assemblies are used to protect the pressurized bottles against overpressure during filling, transportation, or while in use.
Hydrogen can be produced and used without any toxic pollutants or CO2 emissions — its only byproduct is water. It burns clean when mixed with oxygen and can be used as a source of heat or to power an internal combustion engine. Rupture discs are typically used in high-pressure storage tanks and to transport hydrogen.
Hydrogen gas is not an energy-dense fuel, so it can be difficult to store enough gas to power a fuel cell equipped car over a practical range. However, storing hydrogen in liquid form increases its density and involves dealing with extremely low temperatures and high pressures. Rupture discs are therefore specified to provide a high integrity, fail-safe, pressure relief device. The relieving capacity of the device should be sufficient to prevent system pressure raising 10% above the max allowable operating pressure.