
Non-invasive, fail-safe burst detection for rupture disc plugs

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OE-Tel is a fail-safe magnetic detection system that provides reliable burst detection for our range of rupture disc threaded plug units.

Operating on simple reed switch and magnet technology, the sensor and the magnet are both situated within the OE-Tel body. When the disc bursts, the magnet moves away from the reed switch, and breaks the electrical connection.

It is the first ATEX approved detection system for rupture disc plugs. Compatible with both stainless steel and brass plugs, OE-Tel offers additional benefits to customers who have not previously had access to a suitable burst detection system.

Being non-invasive to the process, OE-Tel is not affected by downstream pressure fluctuations or corrosion and there are no potential leak paths. With ATEX approval it can operate in all levels of potentially explosive atmosphere (Zones 0-2).

OE-Tel is a single-use only device and should be replaced along with the rupture disc plug.

Key features

  • ATEX approved EXII 1GD EEx ia IIC
  • EC-Type Examination Certificate Sira 11ATEX2265X
  • Non-invasive design
  • Intrinsically safe
  • Able to operate in all levels of potential explosive atmospheres
  • Single-use device
  • Option to connect it to a remote telemetry system to minimise downtime

Product Downloads

OE Tel Datasheet

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OE Tel Installation Guide

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OEM Custom Design Brochure

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Burst Detection: Burst Sensor Selection Guide

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ATEX Certificate: OE-Tel

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